Monday, March 9, 2009

Threepio! Threepio! Where could he be?

Lucy puts so many toys in the tub with her it looks like the trash compactor scene from Star Wars. We've learned which of her stuffed animals can go through the dryer. (Note to prospective parents: stick to washable stuffed animals.)


V said...

Haha. My little pony was my favorite back in the day! This is a perfect example of those pictures parents use to embarrass their kids in front of dates! Might be good for blackmail when she is older. lol. It was good to see you the other day at the baby shower.

Keith & Jerri said...

I'm miles from home (NC) and missing my little ones back home so was delighted to see this darling blog. Lucy must have the cleanest toys in town. Tell her she has a darling little cousin, Ava Claire. Hugs and kisses to her and Uly. Love Gma N.

I dunna ken said...

Yes, that looks very familiar! We have only one bath tub here and it's in the master bath so if I don't get the toys out with Gwen I'll hear John in the wee hours of the morning throwing them out.

M. Moore said...

I am dying to see her Frog that Linda has been telling me about. Can you post a photo?

Lucy just cracks me up! What a bathing beauty!

Brooke said...

Too cute! I actually thought she was wearing a pink tutu in the bath until I clicked on the picture and noticed it was a stuffed puppy. lol

Greg and Leigh said...


Greg and Leigh said...


Greg and Leigh said...


Greg and Leigh said...